eraser : interactive social manifesto against violence with 495 new yorkers in chelsea, new york city.
interactive audio / video installation connecting screen with 495 audiences' mobile phones in real-time for interactive corps(iac)'s world's largest hd screen(120ft_37meter * 10ft_3meter)
OpenFrameworks(C++), Adobe AfterEffects/Premiere, SuperCollider(Sound Programming Language)
“Data Poem”
Dear Violence,
killing, assaulting, stealing. are we being really serious?here is to you, violence.
you are not unerasable. you are just unerased yet.
- sincere thanks to 495 new yorker in chelsea who participated in erasing the violence all together.
“Story Video”
Play Video with Audio On
“Project Image”
“Project Image”
“Project Image”
“Project Image”